Ptosis Surgery Recovery – What to Expect: A Q&A with Dr. Surbhi Kapadia
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Ptosis Surgery Recovery – What to Expect: A Q&A with Dr. Surbhi Kapadia

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Ptosis surgery can be a life-changing procedure for individuals struggling with drooping eyelids. It restores function and confidence, but the recovery process can be a bit daunting. Let’s clear the air with a Q&A session addressing common concerns:

Yes, ptosis surgery is typically an outpatient procedure. You can go home after a brief observation period once the anaesthesia wears off.

Depending on your job and how you feel, you may need to take a few days to a week off work. Dr. Kapadia recommends listening to your body and resting when needed.

Ptosis surgery incisions are made in hidden creases of the upper eyelid, resulting in minimal hairline scarring that gradually fades over time. 

Mild bruising and swelling around the eyes are common after ptosis surgery. This typically subsides within a week or two.

You may experience some discomfort and soreness after surgery, which can be managed with pain medication. Dr. Kapadia assures that it’s rarely severe and usually subsides within a few days.

Strenuous activities, swimming, and contact sports should be avoided for at least 2-4 weeks to allow proper healing. Dr. Kapadia recommends focusing on gentle activities like walking and reading.

It’s best to avoid eye makeup for at least two weeks after surgery to minimize the risk of infection. Dr. Kapadia advises using gentle, oil-free cosmetics once cleared by your surgeon.

Ptosis surgery is generally a permanent solution. However, rarely in some cases, repeat surgery may be necessary if the initial correction weakens over time.

Droopy Eyelids? Understanding Ptosis Surgery Recovery in India

Drooping eyelids, medically known as ptosis, can affect anyone and significantly impact vision and confidence. Fortunately, ptosis surgery offers a reliable solution. But what should you expect during the recovery process in India? Let’s unpack common concerns and ensure you’re well-equipped for a smooth post-surgery journey.

1.Aftercare Advice: Your Roadmap to Healing

Dr. Surbhi Kapadia, a leading ophthalmologist and oculoplasty specialist in Vadodara, emphasizes diligent adherence to aftercare instructions for optimal healing. This typically includes:

Pain Management: Take prescribed medication to manage discomfort while avoiding strong painkillers not advised by your doctor.

Rest and Elevation: Prioritize sleep and elevate your head while sleeping for a few nights to minimize swelling.

Activity Restrictions: Avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting for at least two weeks. Gentle walking and reading are encouraged.

Follow-up Appointments: Attend scheduled checkups to monitor progress and address any concerns.

2.Homeward Bound? Yes, Most Likely!

Ptosis surgery is usually an outpatient procedure in India. Following a brief observation period, you can comfortably return home once the anesthesia wears off.

3.Work Leave: Listen to Your Body


Depending on your profession and recovery pace, taking a few days to a week off work might be advisable. Dr. Kapadia recommends listening to your body and prioritizing rest.

4.Scarring? Minimal and Fading

The incisions are carefully placed within natural creases of the upper eyelid, resulting in minimal scarring that generally fades over time.

5.Bruising? Don’t Worry, It’s Temporary


Mild bruising and swelling around the eyes are common after ptosis surgery in India. This typically subsides within a week or two, so be patient and avoid harsh sun exposure.

6. Managing Pain: Discomfort, Not Distress

While there may be some soreness, Dr. Kapadia assures that it’s rarely severe and typically manageable with prescribed medication. Remember, everyone heals differently, so listen to your body’s needs.

7. Activities on Hold: Prioritize Gentle Recovery

Strenuous physical activity, swimming, and contact sports should be avoided for at least 2-4 weeks to allow proper healing. Focus on gentle movements and prioritize your comfort.

8. Makeup Magic: Wait for Clearance

It’s best to avoid eye makeup for at least two weeks after surgery to minimize infection risks. Once cleared by Dr. Kapadia, opt for gentle, oil-free cosmetics.

 9. Repeat Treatment: A Rare Possibility

Ptosis surgery is usually a permanent solution in India. However, in rare cases, repeat surgery might be necessary if the initial correction weakens over time.

What Dr. Surbhi Kapadia Says:

“Recovering from ptosis surgery is a smooth process with proper care and guidance. Remember, everyone heals at their own pace, so be patient and listen to your body. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any concerns or questions along the way,” emphasizes Dr. Kapadia.

Choosing the Best Eye Surgeon in Vadodara:

For expert ptosis surgery and personalized aftercare, consider Dr. Surbhi Kapadia. Her extensive experience, combined with the advanced facilities at Aadicura Superspeciality Hospital, makes her a leading choice in Vadodara.

Schedule a consultation with Dr Kapadia today and take the first step towards a clearer vision and restored confidence.

Remember, a successful ptosis surgery recovery hinges on following your doctor’s instructions and prioritizing rest and gentle care. With Dr Kapadia’s expertise and your dedication to recovery, you can look forward to enjoying a clear vision and renewed confidence.



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