Eye Health Tips

Eye Care During Uttarayana: Tips from Vadodara’s Leading Ophthalmologist, Dr. Surbhi Kapadia

Are you considering blepharoplasty in Vadodara? Under the expert care of Dr Surbhi Kapadia, this procedure offers a transformative approach to rejuvenating your eyes.

Protecting Your Vision: The Importance of Regular Eye Exams with Dr. Surbhi Kapadia

In the pursuit of overall health, eye care often takes a backseat until we encounter vision problems.

Enjoy Diwali with These Eye Protection Safety Tips

Cataracts cloud the clear lens of the eyes, often leading to blurry vision and colour perception problems. When it comes to cataract knowledge and advanced…
Preventing Dryness and Discomfort

Maintaining Eye Health: Preventing Dryness and Discomfort

Our eyes, the windows to the soul, require the nourishing protection of a tear film to maintain clear vision and comfort.

કન્જક્ટિવાઇટિસ રોગથી ગભરાશો નહીં, પરંતુ સાવચેતી રાખો

આંખની એક બીમારી ‘કન્જંક્ટિવાઈટિસ’ માટે ભારતમાં ઘણી માન્યતાઓ છે. તેને ‘પિન્ક આઈ’ અથવા સરળ શબ્દોમાં ‘આંખ આવવી’ પણ કહેવાય છે. આંખની આ સંક્રામક બીમારી એકથી…
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