Eye Health Tips

Eye Health Tips

Retinal Problems: Types, symptoms, and treatments

Imagine waking up one day to find your vision suddenly impaired, colors muted, or dark spots obstructing your view. The thought alone is terrifying, but…

The Vital Role of Blinking in Maintaining Eye Health

Blinking, a seemingly mundane action, is often overlooked despite its vital role in maintaining eye health. In this article, we delve into the complexities of…

The Truth About Carrots and Eyesight: Nourishing Your Vision with a Balanced Diet

Blinking, a seemingly mundane action, is often overlooked despite its vital role in maintaining eye health. In this article, we delve into the complexities of…
Heatwave Effect Affects Your Eyesight

The Heatwave Effect: Understanding How Summer Heat Affects Your Eyesight

In the vibrant city of Vadodara, where local health concerns often reflect the regional lifestyle, Pterygium, widely known as “Vel” in Gujarati, is a common…
Eye care tips for working professionals

Essential Eye Care Tips for Professionals – Insights by Dr Surbhi Kapadia

In the hustle of our professional lives, where deadlines and digital screens dominate, we often overlook a crucial aspect of our health – our eyes.
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