What Is Glaucoma? Learn about Symptoms, Causes, Types & Treatment

Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that can cause irreversible damage to the optic nerve...

Navigating Orbital Tumor Surgery: Risks, Benefits, and Recovery Guidelines

As an eye specialist, I often encounter patients who are understandably anxious when diagnosed with an orbital tumor.

When to Consult a Doctor if Seeking Medical Help for Dacryocystitis

Dacryocystitis can be a harrowing experience, characterised by relentless discomfort and distress.
Spring Allergies

Spring Allergies: Understanding and Managing Seasonal Eye Discomfort

As spring brings its warmth and beauty to the Indian subcontinent, it also brings along a less welcome guest: seasonal allergies.

Unveiling the Link Between Headaches and Eye Problems: A Comprehensive Guide

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, our reliance on digital devices has reached unprecedented levels. From work to entertainment, screens dominate our daily…
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